Research on the stability of River mouth shoreline in the Yellow River Delta from 1996 to 2022
投稿时间:2023-10-12  修订日期:2023-11-26
中文关键词:  年平均海岸线  岸线稳定性  数字岸线分析  3S  黄河三角洲
英文关键词:annual mean shoreline  shoreline stability  Digital Shoreline Analysis System  3S  Yellow River Delta
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(42330406),山东高校青创科技团队 (2020KJH002)
左凤娇 鲁东大学 海岸研究所山东 烟台 264025 fengjiaozuo@163.com 
曹印 鲁东大学 海岸研究所山东 烟台 264025 caoyin990331@163.com 
范镇 鲁东大学 海岸研究所山东 烟台 264025 fanzhen508@163.com 
殷鹏均 鲁东大学 海岸研究所山东 烟台 264025 1163131271@qq.com 
李瑞 鲁东大学 海岸研究所山东 烟台 264025 lirui982022@163.com 
钱张帆 鲁东大学 海岸研究所山东 烟台 264025 19907025073@163.com 
王红艳 鲁东大学 海岸研究所山东 烟台 264025 1370380929@qq.com 
战超 鲁东大学 海岸研究所山东 烟台 264025 zhanchao0226@163.com 
王庆 鲁东大学 海岸研究所山东 烟台 264025 1486197096@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 193
全文下载次数: 48
      The current mouth of the Qing8 has undergone tremendous changes since its reconstruction. Monitoring its shoreline changes and exploring its stability are of great significance to the sustainable development of the coastal zone and the assessment of coastal zone resilience. This study uses GPS、GIS、RS technology to infer the annual average coastline position from 220 remote sensing images of the Qing8 from 1996 to 2022. At the same time, it is divided into 5 stages according to the number of swings in the estuary. Based on this, the coastline changes and Its stability was quantitatively analyzed. The results show that the shoreline of Qing8 has been in a long-term dynamic change process, and the overall state is in a state of siltation. The spatiotemporal change characteristics of the shoreline of each bank segment are different, and the maximum erosion area (-73.89m/a) occurred between the two groins, the maximum siltation (393.20m/a) area appears near the river mouth area. And 90% of the coastline shows strong to severe siltation. The stability index ranges from between the two groins(0.135), to the old river mouth before the reconstruction in 2007. (0.068), and the New River Estuary (0.006) after the reconstruction in 2007 decreased successively. The amount of sediment entering the sea, changes in the location of the estuary, and sediment transport along the coast are the main reasons for the spatiotemporal differences in shoreline stability.
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